Kanji Land is a Japanese Learning app which focuses on improving memorizing Kanji, one of the most boring part when you start learning Japanese. This app is suitable for learners of all levels starting from N5, N4 and up to N1. Each Kanji includes detailed information of meanings, Kunyomi, Onyomi and components. Kanji Land is an app that developed by a Japanese learner, who was so tired of learning new Kanji in an old way. By using this app, you can learn Kanji while playing games, an effortless learning. experience. Main features:★Kanji Card Board GamePlay either online or offlineCreate a team filled with Kanji card, by answering correctly Onyomi and Kunyomi of Kanji to strengthen your Kanji card. ★Quiz GameMultiple choice questions related to Kanji and their family word list★Flash card GameMultiple choice questions related to Kanji and their family word listKanji Land is in developing process; we hope to receive your contribution comments to make it better. If you love this app then please take a moment to rate it. Please kindly contact me via email:
[email protected] you very much and Good luck on your JLPT test!